Program Checklist

For students that started the program (2nd year) in September 2024.

Required Courses (96 cr.)

First Year

(34 cr.)

Core CPEN Program

(62 cr.)

Electives (55 cr.)

CE Electives (28 cr.)

Technical Electives (6 cr.)

Science Elective (3 cr.)

Probability/Statistics Elective (3 cr.)

Complementary Studies Electives (9 cr.)

Free Electives (6 cr.)

Typical Second Year Sequence

<aside> 💡 Second year can be quite busy and represents a significant step up in expectations from the first year of Engineering. It is important to give yourself the freedom to reduce course load in second year and aim for a good understanding of the courses that you do complete. We removed the 2nd year project that was part of the program to provide such flexibility. Just because this course sequence is categorized as “typical” should not prevent you from following an alternative sequence. And do reach out for advice.
